Creative Powerhouse

Creative Powerhouse is a pressure group working to release the power of British creativity ensnared by the red tape of the Brexit agreement.

A group of passionate individuals, all with a connection the Creative Industries who are united in their determination to help both creatives and creative businesses to have the opportunity to work in Europe again, without being bound up by red tape.

Images for this campaign were generated by creator Jonathan Fraser, using platform MidJourney.


    • Make it easier for creatives to tour and work in Europe

    • Reduce the cost of carnets used by creatives

    • Make it possible to move key creative items via Eurostar

  • The current rules are too cumbersome and not cost-effective for the UK creative industries. Europe is the place where new bands are making their names, our performers, artists, fashion and crafts makers most often collaborate, export and exhibit. Our creative industries are still recovering from the pandemic within a still tough economic environment, so they should be given more opportunities to increase their revenues and practice in Europe.

  • The Prime Minister has already made a commitment to renegotiate Britain's position within Europe. Some of these asks could be negotiated at the lower end level with our European counterparts; the Government should include them in their discussions with Europe and seek to find a solution.

  • We are very pleased to have Labour's commitment but want to keep pressure on to accelerate the process, so these asks are not left off the agenda. We ask all parties to keep the pressure on the Government to put forward these asks.

  • We realise that it takes two to negotiate but it is the UK Government that needs to seek to reposition their relationship with the EU. EU cultural institutions are also possible partners in our campaign, as they recognise the importance of keeping the artistic and trade avenues open and engaged.

  • A pressure group working to release the power of British creativity ensnared by the red tape of the Brexit agreement.

  • A group of passionate individuals, all with a connection the Creative Industries who are united in their determination to help both creatives and creative businesses to have the opportunity to work in Europe again, without being bound up by red tape.

  • We want to achieve change that will benefit the livelihoods of the talent who have made the arts their career. There are comparatively straightforward changes, that are within the UK government’s power to enact, such as making it possible to move key creative items via Eurostar, through to more complex, yet still readily achievable, change for e.g., making it easier for creatives to tour and work in Europe.


    We believe we can make a difference because we are pooling not only our collective voices but also our wealth of knowledge and understanding about the post-Brexit issues faced by the Arts. Many of the participant organisations have undertaken in-depth research into their own sectors. By combining that knowledge, and continuing the discussion, we can propose actionable and workable solutions that will benefit not only those working in the arts, but also boost the UK’s standing on the global stage.

  • The inspiration for this campaign came from hearing the frustrations with the current Post Brexit access to Europe that was being voiced across the creative industries. The more we listened, the more we could see there were clear commonalities in the issues being raised. The creative superpower that the UK represents in multiple artistic fields is being held back by unnecessary legislation that is not fit for purpose. By uniting voices across multiple disciplines, we can make an amplified call on the new government to make the changes that will unleash the potential and power of Britain’s creative sectors.

  • A powerful visual representation of the issue was created by Jonathan Fraser, Founder of agency Trouble Maker, which he and the team at Creative Powerhouse then developed into the campaign.

  • It has been AI generated by creator Jonathan Fraser, using platform MidJourney.

  • AI is a powerful creative tool of growing importance to artists. We wanted to harness its capabilities for our campaign but transparently and with human input. It also allows us to have a conversation about machine versus human creativity and intellectual property rights. 

  • A wide range of creative organisations including ISM, One Dance UK, Fashion Roundtable, Contemporary Visual Arts Network.

  • By signing our digital supporters’ postcard on our website and by posting on our instagram channel @cut_the_red_tape and encouraging others to do so.

  • From the Creative Powerhouse:

    Charles Brand Chair (e)  (m) 07785 770509

    Helen Davies Campaign Director (e) (m) 07586 322596

    Or via,;